
things that bug

i compiled my own little list of really annoying things. yeah... i think i have issues.


- when you put a tip in the tip jar at the exact moment the cashier has looked away.

- people who laugh at all at their own jokes, forcing you to do several courtesy laughs during the conversation.

- not knowing what to call the waiter/waitress when you need to get their attention.

- that my kids think they have it so hard.

- that a bruise somehow ruins the entire apple.

- sandwiches that are too big to fit your mouth around.

- when people have a perpetually annoyed look on their face.

- spilling gasoline on yourself when you take the nozzle out of your car.

- when people pump their bass so loud you wonder if they can even hear anything resembling a song.

- when you let someone in while driving and they don't give a wave or a smile, then proceed to make a green light that you don't make it through.

- how disgusting mayonnaise is.

- when your dentist tries to talk to you while he has his hand in your mouth.

- that the back of my shampoo says 'this finished product not tested on animals'. 'finished' product?

- having 200 fonts to choose from.

- that i have to keep certain cereals in my car so i won't eat the whole box.

- the fact that i ALWAYS choose the wrong line at Costco.

- a drawer full of keys, none of which you can throw away because you have no idea what they go to.

- when the younger version of a person in a movie looks nothing like the older version.

- food companies that use (waste) tons of packaging in order to make it appear that there is three times the amount of food in there than there actually is.

- people who talk about themselves during the entire conversation.

- people who think that chronic depression is something you can 'snap out of'.

- dvds that don't let you just skip to the menu so you're forced to fast-forward through 10 stupid previews.

- that i am in the bathroom right now because my kids are driving me crazy and we don't have locks on any other doors.

- the fact that i notice everything and consequently get annoyed all the time.

(this list was inspired by this book i bought a few weeks ago.)


i want to know yours... let's see if any of you will actually (GASP) leave a comment. (i PROMISE nothing terrible will happen to you if you do.) xo


  1. What if you already used a bunch of mine?
    -ridiculously loud motorcycle pipes
    -white sunglasses on a guy
    -loud cell-phone talkers
    -local news

  2. Gabe said -

    - When I am at work and walk into a business or restaurant and someone yells, "he's right here!"

    - Some mother brings her 15 year old daughter to the station and asks me to talk to her and set her straight. (Sure 15 years of your bad parenting fixed in a 5 minute talk with a cop she doesn't know.)

    - knives that are not sharp enough to shave my arm hair with.

    - People who don't take care of their tools.

    - When I think my jokes are funny, but the person I am telling it to gives me a "courtesy laugh" (just kidding my jokes are always funny and get genuine laughs!)

    - When people dress cooler than me.

    - Sneezing and no one saying "bless you" (And yes I am refering to you Radel.)

    - getting home and finding out I had a bad hair day and no one told me!

    - riding a huffy!

    - Hearing, "I have to pee!" right after getting onto the freeway.

    - Hemorrhoids.

    - having to look up how to spell hemorrhoids.

  3. -When every single channel is showing a commercial.
    -When the pilot says, "It's going to be a while folks" and you haven't left the gate.
    -Quitters, and by this I mean the socks that give up before the day is over and try to crawl down your foot and off your toes.
    -Forgetting something I was supposed to do that was important to someone else.
    -Not being able to recall the name of the band when someone asks for it
    -Hangnails or chapped lips because I can NOT leave them alone and then I end up bleeding and trying unsuccessfully to make it stop. (OCD?)
    -Not having a kleenex when I want one.
    -Almost everything anyone else does on the road that interferes with my need to quickly get where I am going. If they aren't in a hurry to get where they are going, maybe they should stay home.
    -When someone calls me on my obnoxiousness and I realize they are totally right.
    -Awkward :)

  4. Jenny Bonny Hanson, hi there!
    This is Andrea Galvez (Wright) and I found your blog on FB through my husband´s FB account (since i dont have one anymore). Just wanted to check in with you and it is tre fun to read through your blog a little bit. I have one too if you ever want to check it out. It isnt as organized as yours but...

    I thought about you a week ago and decided to send you a message via FB but this is even better.

    Lots of love to you and would love to hear more about where you are living, etc. etc. You can email me at andreagalvez33@yahoo.com


  5. oops,
    I mean

    (I forgot the mx part since I was concentrating so hard on figuring out how to make an @ sign on this keyboard- hahaha)

  6. Your posts are awesome. And the fact that you love Imogen Heap is even better. "Let Go" is my song. :)

    Things that bug -
    people who put an apostrophe "s" on things they want to pluralize ("bring cup's, plate's, and fork's")
    it's not non-shalant. it's nonchalant.
    kids (teens) and college students who take themselves way too seriously. pretentiousness doesn't equal maturity.
    the kids jumping on my bed after I've folded laundry and neatly laid out whose is whose, all over my bed.
    my almost-3 yr old's refusal to take the nap he clearly needs (Mommy does too).
    realizing that I don't know what the heck I'm talking about most of the time. awkward.
    trying to find clothes that fit my detours (not curves).
    k. more things but that's all I'm going to share publicly. :)

  7. oh, and "y'all" isn't "ya'll". important to know! (I'm a Texan and it's part of our automatic vocabulary. "You all" --> "y'all") ;)

  8. You and I must be related. You pretty much covered most of my big pet peeves. Love your blog, by the way!

  9. I think I got annoyed thinking of all the things that annoy me!!! LOL. Here's a couple of things: toast crumbs left on the kitchen counter; Texas pride--I just don't get it.

  10. -teenagers
    -the lack of proper grammar today
    -anyone asking me "what's for dinner?" because all I get are groans, so don't ask!!
    -anyone using my towel
    -people using cell phones in the car, especially texting. Don't risk my life to make a phone call/text!!
    -the word "at" at the end of a sentence. "Where is the remote at?" Yuck!!
    -People who say they'll do something and they don't follow through.
    -kids who ask "who's this" when they call my house and they don't even say hello
    -Utah drivers in general bug me :) If you need to move over to another lane you don't stop in the current lane to wait for a space. Keep driving until you can move over. Makes me want to rear-end people.
    There are many more but I am sure I would offend someone. :) Great list Jenny!


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