
an actual date

bret got free tickets to see Real salt lake vs. NY this weekend.


the dude behind us took our picture - it turned out surprisingly good.

i got a pretty sweet picture of bret - possibly his best.
(he's a trooper for letting me post this.)

most importantly, our boys kicked butt. final score: 3 - 0

all in all, it wasn't quite as captivating as one of noah's games but it came really close.

thanks hon.


  1. Jen, we are thoroughly jealous. Football isn't quite our thing, but futball is. You both look great. Someday we'll join you in your Salt Lake games.

  2. Great picture of you guys. Looks like fun - winning the game was kind of an extra perk.

  3. That's awesome. I was hoping to take Bret to a game sometime since I know he's into it and live games are a blast.

  4. This is your father speaking: I love your blog. I can't believe I have such a creative daughter. Love you!

  5. Love the picture of Bret. Classic!

  6. It was a fantastic evening. Thanks for going/posting Jen...I guess I'll forgive you for posting that pic of me because you're such a hot date.

  7. Watching a game on a summer evening is what it's all about. It's cool your team won too. Nice pix.


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